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宣布大手笔增持计划的还有山鹰纸业。公司控股股东福建泰盛计划自6 月20日起未来12个月内,累计出资2亿元至10亿元用于增持公司股份。设定增持底线的还有不少。荣丰控股的控股股东盛世达投资计划未来一年内增持不低于公司股份总数的1%,按目前市值来说,增持资金不少于约1.6亿元;华钰矿业控股股东西藏道衡计划未来一年内用于增持的资金在1亿元至1.5亿元;河北宣工控股股东河钢集团计划未来一年增持资金不低于5000万元。



Over the past year, with instructions made by General Secretary Xi Jinping in mind, we have focused on following the trend of our times, adopting long-term plans and clear approaches, consolidating the foundation, addressing key issues, and improving the environment, and taken multiple measures to pursue high-quality development。 Shandong has maintained steady economic performance, made positive advances, and improved the economic structure。 Transformation of growth drivers has gained full momentum and significant progress has been made in the three critical battles against potential risks, poverty, and pollution。 We have made breakthroughs in reform and opening-up, improved business environment and people‘s well-being。 In the past year, we have risen to challenges, forged ahead, and completed major and crucial undertakings to lay a solid foundation, facilitate long-term development and benefit the people。 More decisively, the new development philosophy has been embraced by our people, supply-side structural reform has been advanced, institutions and mechanisms have been improved, development environment has been reshaped, and we have demonstrated greater dedication to spearheading the development, transforming from quantity to quality, and pursuing advancements on all fronts。 The achievements we have made have certainly not come easily。 We owe them to the strong leadership and sound guidance of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, to the concerted efforts and hard work of our people, and to the strong support of our fellow Chinese in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, fellow Chinese overseas, and friends from all over the world。 I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all of you。


